The Coal Combustion and Gasification Products (CCGP) online journal welcomes our Chief Executive Officer, Craig Heidrich on the CCGP Editorial Board. Coal ash research and emerging new technologies are at the forefront of the journal, a joint venture between the University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (UK CAER) and the American Coal Ash Association (ACAA).
Established in 2009 with Allen Press publishing, the CCGP journal is growly rapidly and setting new goals as it emerges into the new decade. By partnering with the publishing platform Scholastica, the journal will access the latest publishing technology to produce a more efficient paper production, rapid turnaround, increased amount of published papers and generate an Impact Factor.
The launch of a new website on Friday, February 14, 2020, will mean a brand-new look for the free online journal and a more efficient and user-friendly site.
With a vision to bring together research encompassing the science and technology of the production, sustainable utilization, and environmentally-sound handling of the by-products of coal combustion and gasification, the journal is currently seeking papers to be actively published throughout 2020, in Volume 12 of the Coal Combustion and Gasification Product journal.