Coal Combustion Products Handbook Wins Highly Commended | Blog

Posted 14-09-2015
Category Events

At the recent Concrete 2015 Conference at Albert Park, Melbourne the Ash Development Association of Australia (ADAA) was nominated in the Technology Category for the 2015 Awards for Excellence in Concrete for the Second Edition, Coal Combustion Products Handbook. The Concrete Institute of Australia awarded the Handbook "Highly Commended" at the Gala Dinner on Tuesday 1st September. Craig Heidrich (CEO) accepted the award on behalf of all contibutors and the ADAA.

The second edition of the Coal Combustion Products Handbook continues the strong relationship developed between researchers, industry experts and the energy industry that was established during the term of the Cooperative Research Centre for Coal in Sustainable Development (2001–2008). Over the last seven years, advances in the understanding of coal combustion products (CCPs) and their uses have led to this second edition of the Coal Combustion Products Handbook.

More information about the Handbook can be found HERE, alternativly, the Handbook can be purchased HERE, by both members and non-members.

Craig Heidrich, CEO of the Ash Development Association of Australia accepting the award.

L to R - Prof Doug Hooton, Ms Carol Wilson, Mr Craig Heidrich and Ms Joanne Portella.