Coal Ash Asia 2015 is Almost Here! | Blog

Posted 18-06-2015
Category Events

Coal Ash Asia 2015 (CAA2015) will be held in Beijing, China from the 20th to the 24th of September. There is one month left for early bird registration, which provides a 25% discount on the comprehensive attendance package. 

CAA2015 will bring together global industry leaders to share knowledge and develop high value solutions for the management and utilisation of Coal Combustion Products. 

There is expected to be more than 600 attendees from 15+ countries expected to attend the conference, exhibition and seminar series in Shouzhou, Shanxi Province. 

Technology buyers, power producers, researchers, managers, technology providers, and governments will congregate to develop deeper understanding of industry best practices and discuss the challenges and emerging opportunities in the CCP utilisation industry. To find out more about the Conference, click here.

CAA2015 will be focused on the following topics. 

1. High-value utilisation 
-Superfine grinding
-Metal extraction

2. Cement, concrete and geopolymers
-Low-carbon cements: technical and market developments
-Technical and commercial advances in geopolymer applications

3. Landfill and storage

4. Scrubber materials
-FGD gypsum
-Construction and agricultural applications