Commercial recovery of metals from coal ashes | Blog

Posted 06-02-2015
Category Events

Global Independent Review: Commercial recovery of metals from coal ashes. This UK based author reviews over 300 papers and interviews with 28 expert globally to evaluate commercial activities in this area. It profiles 17 of the leading players globally that are commercialising metal recovery technologies relevant to coal ashes. It also provides an overview of ash volumes, current uses, metal content data and valuations, and leading ash characterisation experts, as well as exploring political, social, environmental, regulatory and supply issues.

The objectives of the report are to:

  • Provide an introductory background to the opportunity area.
  • Explore the market drivers and barriers.
  • Identify and profile key players and technology owners.
  • Review commercial case studies in terms of stage of development, technology deployment, and future plans.
  • Draw conclusions.

Who is this report for?

  • Coal mining companies and suppliers
  • Coal power industry
  • Fly ash management and product companies
  • Waste management and remediation companies
  • Coal Combustion Product associations
  • Metal refineries
  • Metal suppliers and end users
  • Government stakeholders

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